Mary Cox, aka Maureen, was born August 4, 1946, in Liverpool, England to Joseph and Florence Cox. The first Beatle she
kissed was not Ringo, but Paul. Her friend dared her to go up and kiss him when he came out of his dressing room. She kissed
him, and her friend burst into jealous tears, because he was her favorite Beatle. Maureen would have rather kissed Ringo,
so she waited until he came out of his dressing room and she kissed him, too.
Three weeks after the kissing, Ringo noticed Maureen was standing outside the Cavern waiting to get in, so he went over
and talked to her. Ringo one day called her at work and asked her if she would go out on a date with him. Since she was underage
and he was drumming in the evenings, they agreed to spend the whole day together, instead of in the evening. Their date was
spent walking in Liverpool's city parks, watching a movie at the movie theater, attending a Frank Ifield concert, and then
going to the Blue Angel club for drinks and a dance. They then walked to the Cavern so Ringo could start drumming. Maureen
remembered, "(The girls) used to hang around the Cavern, all day long, just on the off chance of seeing them...Ritchie and
I once went past at midnight and they were already queuing up for the next day...It was terrible, the mad screams when they
[The Beatles] came on." In 1964, Maureen went on Christmas holiday with Ringo in London. In January 1965, Ringo proposed to
Maureen. Maureen, 18, and Ringo, 24, were married on February 11, 1965 at Caxton Hall Register Office in London. They were
married at 8 am, hours before the register office usually opened, so they could avoid the fans. Maureen was two months pregnant.
On September 13, 1965, Maureen gave birth to her first child, a boy named Zak, who weighed 8 pounds. Their second child,
a boy named Jason, was born on August 19, 1967, and their third child, a girl named Lee Parkin, was born on November 11, 1970.
All three children were born at Queen Charlotte Maternity Hospital in London.
On July 17, 1975, Ringo and Maureen were divorced on the grouds of Ringo's affair with American model Nancy Andrews.
She didn't want to get a divorce, but Ringo insisted, so she unwillingly accepted. They remained great friends.
In the 1980s, Maureen became involved with Isaac Tigrett, who owned the Hard Rock Cafe chain, and currently owns House
of Blues. On September 7, 1985, Zak's wife Sarah gave birth to a girl, Tatia Jayne, making Maureen and Ringo grandparents.
Two grandchildren followed after Maureen's death: Louie, in July 1999, and Sonny, in 2002. They are the sons of Jason and
his partner Flora. On January 4, 1987, Maureen and Isaac's only child, a girl named Augusta King, was born. On May 27, 1989,
Maureen and Isaac were married.
At the opening of the House of Blues in Los Angeles, Maureen suddenly fainted. She had a deadly form of leukemia called
mylodysplasia. In October 1994, she was moved to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington. Zak tried
to help her out by being the donor of bone marrow, white blood cells, and blood platlets. But, she had a serious fungal infection
that could not be cured.
Maureen died on December 30, 1994, with her mother, Zak, Jason, Lee, Isaac, and Ringo by her side. Shortly after her
death, Dan Akroyd, Augusta's godfather, said, "Maureen was a loving individual. She will be missed."