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Beatle Links

Here are links related to the Beatles and their music.


The Beatles official site has many different features, including Anthology, the making of Revolver, Love, Concert for Bangladesh, and much more!

Abbey Road Studios is where The Beatles recorded their albums, and is the site that is pictured on the cover of the Abbey Road album.

The Beatles: Rock Band is the newest game in the Rock Band series, available for PlayStation 3, XBox 360, and Wii on September 9. The official site has previews of the game, and you can also pre-order.

Ringo Starr's official site has news, videos, a biography, tour schedule, discography, pictures and more. You can also shop in the official Ringo store.

Pumkinhead Records - Ringo's record label.

Ringo Rama - One of Ringo's albums. Includes exclusive clips.

The official John Lennon site includes news, history, a biography and discography, videos, pictures, downloads, drawings, and more. Shop at the official John store. is the official site of the Liverpool Lennons. Includes a family tree, biographies, memorabilia, reflections, and more.

George Harrison

Dark Horse Records

Concert for George

Paul McCartney

MPL Communications


The official Liverpool Lennons MySpace.

The Beatles official MySpace. Includes music, videos, and more.

Paul McCartney's official MySpace includes music from 22 albums.

Ringo Starr's official MySpace includes music, pictures, and videos.

The George Harrison official MySpace includes music, videos, and pictures.


Rooftop Sessions - Beatles Fanfiction

© 2004-2012 Jaye Smith